What's In An Ad... The Advantages of Ad Testing by Theresa Cahill All Rights Reserved Copyright 2003 Hello and good morning! I've got something truly useful to share with you today about your ezine advertising. The other day I joined a new leads program designed to increase one's mailing list or ezine subscriber list, PushButton Leads http://www.thewizworld.com/pb.html. The system itself is a simple one - join for a 10 day free trial (at the time of my writing this), insert your ad for your ezine into the system - sit back and watch the new subscribers just "roll on it!" Okay, so I did all that - using what I believed to be an ad fairly representing my own ezine, TheWizWorld MRC Newsletter. This first ad read: ====================================================== TheWizWorld MRC Newsletter - Build your personal name branding online! Innovative, interactive! ====================================================== The results? Less than stellar I've got to admit. Given only 100 characters to explain ones ezine is a tad tricky, this is about 1/5 the size of a typical ezine ad you're normally given to express yourself. So what did I do next? Yep, exactly what we are told (or tell) others to do - I tweaked the ad. It then read: ====================================================== TheWizWorld MRC Newsletter - LEARN HOW TO build your name branding online. Marketing tips, tricks, resources, and more! ====================================================== And guess what? If you're thinking that my signups jumped (a bit) you are absolutely correct! Still the results were not nearly up to what this is going to cost per month to keep the service - currently $19.95 a month subscription. That's where Raymond McNally of RTDWebsolutions.com stepped in. He, too, is using the system and I mentioned to him my first ad's lackluster performance, and that the second (tweaked) ad seemed to be doing a bit better. Not great, but better. Knowing that sometimes it's hard to put into words what one does all day long, Raymond volunteered to look at my current ad to see if he could improve on it. His rewrite reads: ====================================================== TheWizWorld MRC Newsletter - Discover the secrets to proven marketing methods online. More than an ezine... it's a community! ====================================================== If you are a subscriber, you'll know "Bingo!" he hit the nail on the head with this ad. It is a community! Without TheWizWorld readers there literally would be no ezine - every issue is created from input sent in, questions, thoughts, comments and ideas by readers for readers. So, of course I opted to give his ad a go! And, I can safely say that to date this IS the best ad for my own ezine - it IS pulling much better than the first two. So, what's the point of this article? Testing! Testing, tweaking, and working your ad until you get it "just right!" Initially my first impression was to "blame it on the program itself." I admit it, it just must be human nature. But, having an advertising co-op has taught me a few things - the most important - never settle for less. Put your time and attention to your ad, and advertise on a consistent basis - the two most important rules of thumb for any online marketer. Hence, my own process to make my ad into something so noticeable that a person would just HAVE to subscribe or they'd feel like they were missing out :) And my experience can be your experience! Advertising is persuasion at it's finest. Having little luck with your current batch of ads? Tweak them. Test them. Delete them and start fresh if need be... but never give up! You, too, can have better results with YOUR advertising. Don't settle for the rehashed affiliate ads. Be creative! Test, test, and test again. Rome was not built in a day - and neither is the world's best ad! ========================================= ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Theresa Cahill is the owner of two advertising co-ops, http://www.mywizardads.com and http://quickneasyads.com Two services for two types of advertisers! Those who enjoy subscribing, and those who prefer to advertise without the need to subscribe. Come for a vist! And, to gather more opt-in leads of your own, visit: http://www.thewizworld.com/pb.html