WHICH WAY IS UP? by Theresa Cahill Copyright 2003 All Rights Reserved Many moons ago I joined a program called Link Partners. I confess it was back at a time when I really did not have a clue about reciprocal linking, the best methods, the right way to go about it. Today while scanning through my incoming mail I made note of several opportunities or offers to swap links that I received through this program. The problem? Not a single one was appropriate - not for me and my website nor them. So why did they ask? Because it was easy, too easy, to ask. Reciprocal linking, link swapping, can truly help your ratings in the search engines if they conform to a few simple guidelines. These guidelines include: 1. A common interest While swapping links with a competitor is probably not the brightest idea, there are shades of competition. What you'd want to look for are websites that do have a common thread to what you are promoting. The reason for this is simple. When someone finds their website they are probably looking for something specific. If your website is similar to, but not the same as, the site with your link on it, you stand a more than fair chance that once the visitor is done, they'll click through to your site to see what you offer. And, since you've taken the time to ensure your website is not in direct competition with the other website, your chance of arranging a beneficial swap greatly increases. 2. Link wisely - link forward There is typically only one major winner to the link swap - though that should not stop you from hosting a link even if you are not the "top dog." Just be sure to do your homework if you are the one being asked. Who wins? The website linking forward. We all know that there are great web rankings. We all strive to achieve those top 10 spots or top 10 page spots - both are excellent search engine positions. When looking for link swaps, check the other website's ratings in Google or Yahoo or your own favorite search engine. If the site is way out there, this swap is not really going to benefit you - in fact recently I've read that too many "out there" links can actually harm your own rankings, so do investigate first. Link forward whenever possible, or look for other complimentary websites with similar rankings as your own. 3. Avoid link "farms" As you've surfed, you may have run across searchable pages (set up in categories and the like) where the owner invites you to "add your link." One of the first things to do is check their rankings. Again, harking back to #2 above, listing your website even for free on a webpage with "poor" search engine placement will do your website absolutely no good. In addition, the search engine spiders are getting smarter. Just because a website has a billion and a half outbound links, when they are unrelated or poor content matches for your own website you are hurting yourself and your chances to move up in the rankings. 4. The classified ad board Often publishers offer a free classified ad board at their website. I'm of mixed opinions about this, but I believe that if the page on which it's presented specifically has content explaining what the board is and why it's there, it may not do any harm. Just be sure, as the publisher or owner of the board, to provide a reason why it is there. In the content of that webpage be sure to use a heavy (but not overly abundant) use of your meta tag keywords and key phrases. Stress the importance of providing your subscribers with the means to post advertising, ezine advertising, at your website... that sort of thing. Do take the time to word your page correctly. Don't just "slap it up there" and hope for the best. In any event, if you've added a board recently keep your eye on your search engine placement. If your website begins to slip, it could be the board and it's outbound, but unrelated, web links. Conversely, given the right programs posted on your classified board who knows...! It could actually pull your site forward :) Just stay on top of your own rankings and make adjustments if needed. Wrapping this up... Good search engine placement is a must. Yes, word of mouth is perhaps the finest method for good, solid growth, but millions upon millions upon millions use the search engines every minute of the day. Don't blow your chances with poor link swapping. Use discretion, research and understand first why any offer would or would not be a good match for YOU and act/react accordingly. ========================================= ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Theresa Cahill is the owner of My Wizard Ads (http://www.mywizardads.com) and Quick N Easy Ads (http://www.quickneasyads.com) where you'll find excellent buy 1 get 1 solos, guaranteed signups, leads, classified advertising, and a whole lot more!