What ARE You Saying? by Theresa Cahill All Rights Reserved © Copyright 2002 As most of my articles evolve, todays was no exception. A good friend of mine contacted me asking if everything was okay between me and Person X. I was surprised at the question! To the best of my knowledge nary a problem existed. What was most surprising about the question was it involved someone I'd provided assistance to, support, and friendship for over a year online. Was I surprised? You betcha! Which brings me to my question for the day...What's going inside YOUR emails? The most valuable commodity you have online or off is your own personal integrity. Without that you have nothing, just a handful of air. Not much to create anything with. As we all work at building our own businesses, it is vital to keep your "tactics" clean and aboveboard. Simple advice, but truly meaningful! When I was a teenager, I'd written something down - paper and pen - meant only for one pair of eyes. Well, you know what happened, right? Yep, it didn't stay that way. My mother imparted these words of wisdom to me at the time, "Never put on paper what you wouldn't want everyone to read!" Moms are so smart! And, I'll take that a step further. Never SAY anything that won't stand up to repeating. Your word, and your words, ARE you! Honesty, integrity, goodwill, and friendship. These are not just words, they are the foundation for life. Lived, they mean everything... Getting ahead doesn't have to be a cutthroat endeavor. The golden rule is still the very best rule - one that will carry you through life. So, be careful. Remember, your integrity IS showing. ======================================= About the Author: A 12-year veteran of marketing, Theresa Cahill publishes TheWizWorld Ezine http://www.thewizworld.com and owns and operates My Wizard Ads, your one-stop spot for ezine advertising, solo ads, banners and more. Feel free to stop by for a visit anytime! http://www.mywizardads.com or send an email to mywizard@cascadeaccess.com